Friday, 11 July 2014

Discovery of the Day: The Inn at John O'Groats

Usually I get quite defensive about extensions onto historical buildings but every now then I'm pleasantly surprised by how a flair of creativity really can bring the old & the new together in wondrous harmony.

The Inn at John O'Groats in Inverness is a Victorian hotel that has recently been injected with a new lease of life courtesy of GLM Architects.

In addition to restoring the original Victorian Building, GLM have replaced existing extensions with a visually delighting row of colourful Nordic-inspired holiday housing apartments.

The brightly coloured timber blocks sit alongside their Victorian counterpart surprisingly well, the colours somehow complimenting and balancing the ornate form of the Victorian Architecture. Unlike most, It doesn't feel like the old & the new are competing for your attention here; each element "pops" in it's own right. The hotel's bright stonework makes it appear as through it was the next natural step on the colour scheme, perhaps helped by the single central block of the extension that has been left in its natural colouring.

Having not seen any images of the inside (yet, I plan to hunt them down) I can't say too much about the spaces themselves but on the outside viewing this is a marvellous bit of Architecture. If buildings were grown these would be the result of planting a bag of Skittles; bright & playfully coloured, they are just desperate to make you smile. Not such a bad thing for someone who's on a vacation…

Images from 

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